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  • Vertebrate Development course. Lecture in Signaling transduction. Coordinated and developed lab material Auburn University.



  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Principles of Biology Laboratory, Auburn University

  • Mentor of The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (MSMS) Research program: Mentored MSMS scholar, Briana Johnston, through a molecular and developmental biology research project. Briana Johnston produced significant data and presented this work at the Annual MSMS research symposium                                                                                                                               


  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Human Anatomy, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Developmental Biology, BIO 8183 Capstone in Modern Biology, Master of Science in General Biology for secondary school teachers, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Human Physiology, Mississippi State University



  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Comparative Vertebrate Embryology, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Biology I, 2 times, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Anatomy & Physiology, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Developmental Biology, BIO 8183 Capstone in Modern Biology, Master of Science in General Biology for secondary school teachers, Mississippi State University



  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Human Physiology, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Comparative Vertebrate Embryology, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Bacterial Genetics, Mississippi State University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Animal Biology, Mississippi State University



  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Animal Biology, Mississippi State University

  • Science teacher, Torrejon Academy, Madrid, Spain





Committee member of 4 master thesis defenses: M.Sc. Biodiversity in Tropical Areas and its Conservation, Menendez Pelayo International University, Spain.


Trained and mentored 17 graduate and undergraduate students in wet-lab experimentation and data analysis/interpretation in the lab:


Sam Stone (2019-2020), Che Ka (2018-2020), Sujan Gautam (2018-2020), Kristina Seyfarth (2018), Aaron Thomas (2017-2018), Sarah Marshall (2017-2018), Lauren Tice (2017-2018), Jared Daher (2017), Diya Dasgupta (2017), Jake Morris (2016- 2018), Anay Ismail (2016), Daisy Grant (2015-2017), Suwaira Iqbal (2015-2016), Emily McBride (2015-2016), Reagan McNerney (2014-2015), Christian Stocks (2014-2015).





  • Reviewer of Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program application(s), being part of the Evaluation Committee as an expert in cell and developmental biology. Provide expertise and professional help to cultivate a strong global community of women researchers in the STEM, Life Science, and related Social Science fields. Provide fair, consistent, and constructive feedback to the applicants.



  • Mentor PAEM 4.0. Project, CODENAF ICI El Ejido: initiative to decrease low academic performance of high school students caused by economic and social situations.



  • Vice President Association for Women in Sciences (AWIS), Auburn University

  • Jr. Mad Scientist. Event for children in 1st-5th grades and their parents hosed by Graduate Women in Science at Auburn University. They participated in table demonstrations of spooky and fun science as well as “make and take” activities

  • Destination STEM. Interactive open house where 6th -10th grade students were invited to explore careers in STEM, Auburn University

  • Bones and Boos. One-day outdoor exhibit of animal skeletons, Auburn University Museum of Natural History and the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine

  • AMP’d Auburn Mathematical Puzzle Challenge. Problem solving challenge where teams of 6th - 8th  middle school students worked together to solve mathematical puzzles in a fun, interesting, and different way from a traditional math class.

  • Skype a Scientist. Give students the opportunity to get to know a “real scientist”. Sessions with k-12 students

  • Graduate School Mentorship Initiative, Científico Latino. Help underrepresented students with their graduate school application to STEM PhD programs.

  • Woman Scientist Mentor, 500 Women Scientists Request a Scientist Initiative.



  • Judge at College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM) Undergraduate Research Fair, Auburn University



  • Coordinator, Ecosfera project, Service Civil International

  • Spanish Teacher for Immigrants, Service Civil International (SCI), Madrid



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